Advent , the Vocational Blossom

Isaiah 11:1-2

“A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse,

and from his roots a bud shall blossom.

The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him:

a spirit of wisdom and of understanding,

A spirit of counsel and of strength,

a spirit of knowledge and of fear of the Lord,

and his delight shall be the fear of the Lord.”


Good Morning Brothers and Sisters,

We must now enter into the Advent Season of our liturgical year, but also of our vocational lives.

You have all read of the decline in the clergy, and the indeed the decline in the people who are attending at Holy Mass. Further, we find reports of some 40% of people who attend Holy Mass, do not believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

At the Institution of the Last Supper, we at first find Jesus, having full knowledge of what has been set before Him, at first as High Priest, offering a Sacrifice. At the same time Jesus himself, explains and BECOMES the sacrifice that he is giving.

First lesson was the offer the sacrifice, second lesson BECOME the sacrifice.

This process is not just a historical re-presentation, or telling of an old story where we going through these processes as a placation to tradition or an analgesic to alleviate pains we are forced to carry today.

In truth I say to you that this process is reflected every hour of every day across the entire world, where the Body of Christ, taking the place of the apostles, and the Priest or Bishop taking the place of Christ, offers the sacrifice of the Holy Mass. In return we still follow, that we are called to become what we have received, We are called to become and sacrifice ourselves.

By virtue of our baptism we are called to be “ Priest, Prophet , and King” and become the sacrifice, and offer sacrifice so that our brothers and sisters can then receive and then become sacrifice themselves.

This reading reminds us of the telling of the coming of the Christ :

“ A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse,

and from his roots a bud shall blossom. “

From this reading we can see the root of our own Franciscan vocations.

We as Franciscans spring forth from the Root …

Jesus sprang forth form the root of Jesse… So do we as Franciscans share in the same root. Why ? Because it is from the salvific sacrifice of the Paschal Mystery, that we have become sharers in the Body of Christ, sharers of the Love of the Father, Sharers in the Divine seed and brothers and sisters of Christ.

Since we share in the Root of Jesse, we were called forth from the Body of Christ to share more closely and more intimately in the Royal Priesthood, by Christ to follow Him in the Franciscan Vocation, the Franciscan way of life, and to share more intimately the call to love and serve others and particularly the poor and marginalized.

In The Didascalia Apostolorum, no. 13 We are reminded to not be absent from Holy Mass, because it is a denial not only to ourselves, but to the Body of Christ of one of its members. The very same is true in our community. Being absent from meetings is not only forbidden by our rule without serious reason, but it is also in the same way a denial of the Body of Christ in the sacrifice to our brothers and sisters. It is a denial of your own vocational growth and fulfillment of our call to be live in our community and serve the poor, who can be and often are our own brothers and sisters. A denial of the opportunity to be testament, and witness of our Franciscan Journey and to be encouragement and love to those in need.

In short, we need to fulfill our call to serve the poor and marginalized. To provide the food and water, sustenance for the journey of our brothers and sister so that they too can go out and serve the poor and marginalized.

From this root…. Your vocational blossom shall come forth in beauty for the world to see, so that God can be given the Glory and Honor that is His Name.

This is the Calling

This is the sacrifice,

This is your call,

…”and the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon you :

a spirit of wisdom and of understanding, that comes from fully living your vocation

A spirit of counsel and of strength, that comes from knowing you are a child of the Most High and have Brothers and Sisters who love you and walk with you on this journey…”

Saint Francis often said, “ Let us begin to do good… for up to now we have done nothing”.

So let us begin again, starting again in this Advent Season, to do good,

To study, to learn, to grow, to strive together. To begin daily to rebuild

… Our Brothers and Sisters,

… Our Community,

… and our world. To the Glory of God . +Amen+

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